[提要] 随着我国建筑材料工业的不断进步,使得许多新型的建筑结构形式得以实现,其中预应力钢结构的发展尤其迅速。本文结合四川省博物馆采光天棚的工程实例,分析了张拉筒壳结构在不同结构状态的受力机理,对索的初始预拉力值确定、结构的内力和变形计算、杆件及节点设计等关键问题进行了较为深入地分析,得出了一些有益的结论。
[关键词] 张拉筒壳 索 结构状态 预拉力
Cable Stayed Tube Shell Design for Sunshade of SiChuan Museum / Ding Dayi
(Wuzhou Engineering Design and Research Institute, Beijing 100053, China)
Abstract: As the development of building materials industry, some new type structures have
come true. Especially prestressed steel structures, who have made a rapid progress in recent
years. The work mechanism of cable stayed tube shell in different structure status was
presented with the Sunshade case of SiChuan Museum. Analysis was carried out on the
key issues, such as cable prestress value, force and deformation calculation, member and joint
design and so on. Finally some useful conclusions were brought forward.
Keywords: cable stayed tube shell; cable; structure status; prestress